…a fantasy world in which every person has their own animal familair
As a heroic Seeker you travel the lands with your familiar healing the devastation of a war which left nations scarred and people scattered. Be a beacon of hope ushering in a new era for Terra. Help restore the land to its former beauty, bond with your familiar and discover your joined destiny, become a hero people will sing about for years to come!
If you love young adult fiction like The Golden Compass, Wild Magic, or shows like Digimon, then Familiars of Terra is for you! Mechanically we’ve taken inspiration from our favourite games like Blades in the Dark and Monsterhearts and a few card based games like Pokemon. Combining our favourite media and games with our passion for cool animals has created a unique card-based game.

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quickstart on DTPRG
Want to explore Terra with your familiar before deciding if the life of a Seeker is one for you? Download our free quickstart on DriveThruRPG and take our game for a spin!
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The System
Familiars of Terra uses simple, streamlined mechanics for making checks and combat. The focus of the game’s mechanics is to enhance the story you’re playing and adding colour to the world players and GM create together.
Making a check is simple. Your GM calls for you to make a check with one of your five Attributes. You draw the top card of your deck and if it is equal to or lower than the Attribute specified the check is a success. It’s that simple!
In combat you and your opponent draw a card – who ever has the higher card wins and deals their opponent one damage. Your familiar has special Powers which allow them to gain the upper hand in combat, such as Bash which allows them to play an extra card in their turn! Or they may use Cheat, allowing them to look at their opponent’s hand of cards! All familiars in Terra are created equal and even the strongest lionkin can be laid low by a tiny intelligent hamsterkin.