Author: Liz

Moms play WITCH!

[Liz] DISCLAIMER: Bloody Mary was a misunderstood woman who wanted to live independent from a man during Puritanical times… In the Netherlands. Because she was a woman ahead of her time, she was murdered and subsequently cursed by Puritan priests. To make sure she was tortured extra-horrible-much she was trapped in the mansion where she … Read more…

Puzzles, Riddles, and other Egnimas

[Floor]   One thing I really love in role play is puzzles. Things like deciphering a secret code or finding out the password to a computer. The feeling of achievement you get after solving a tough puzzle is really awesome, and if it is a team effort it can be a great bonding experience for … Read more…

A Trip To Other Amsterdam pt. 2 – “00:00:30”

[Liz] Hey guys! Welcome to part two of A Trip To Other Amsterdam. Read pt. 1 HERE. ~ Pt. 2 “00:00:30” She held me in her arms and when I inhaled her scent, her hair smelt like stifled screams. How had I gotten here? The bouncer would not let me in. I pleaded, argued, but … Read more…

The Djinn and the Quiet

[Floor] I recently created a WITCH character for the short campaign we will be playing with my home group. Of course I chose the Fate that I have loved from the very beginning, the Djinn. The Djinn are walking contradictions, vengeful yet honourable, free yet bound, and joyful yet still. Djinn are able to grant … Read more…

A trip to Other Amsterdam

[Liz] Happy New Year!!!! May you always roll crits and a devil never come to take your soul. So I wanted to share some WITCH fiction with you so you can get a taste of what the system is like and also give you a taste of the fluff pieces you will get in the book. … Read more…